Well…HE did it…God gave us a great weekend, free of snow, icy roads (my parents made it no problem from the Springs…YIPEE!), lost voices (for the most part), drama, etc… We just spent about 40 hours on our feet and/or singing over the past week! My body is yelling out to me in ways I never knew possible today! My feet ache…legs are sore…brain is foggy! Maybe I should try a 10k next year instead. J
For those of you who have never come, we had about 13,000 people attend over the course of 4 shows. Some people complain about the $11 ticket but I can guarantee you cannot go downtown and see a Christmas show if this caliber and a movie at the local theater would never compare. I am not a soloist, but most of the soloists are recording artists who we are blessed to have at Cherry Hills. The church does not "make money" doing this show and the singers pay for their own tuxes and clothing changes.
Speaking of clothing changes… The women in the choir change in 2 small rooms attached to the atrium. There is NO way on God's earth we could all fit into those 2 rooms for 2 separate changes. We are talking 95 degrees with women (many who are having a mid-life crisis), clothing stacked in piles, purses, makeup mirrors, hair spray etc… There were about 3 of us who took it upon ourselves to sneak into the church basement to change. This is basically a dark storage room with literally "cages" of this and that. 3 quickly became 10 which in turn grew into about 15 or 20. Being the "dork" I am, I nominated myself "Basement President" and quickly had women volunteer as my "staff" including security, secretary/treasurer, and much more. We have some ideas for next year which include, but are not limited to, snacks, bottled water, a large full-sized mirror, a port-a-potty, and other things which I probably should not mention. Who knows…maybe this will be the "new changing room" for us girls!
By far the best part of the weekend was Sunday morning. I was cranky, tired, and wondering why in the world the choir needs to be BACK on stage at 8am for 2 services. After we warmed up, I went out into the atrium for a coffee. I was quickly approached by a friend who was with a young woman. My friend said that this lady was looking for a ticket to the Sunday night performance (Sold out). I could see immediately, that this was an adult child of a choir member. The child is mentally disabled. She stood and told me all about had she had been Friday and how she had cried at every song. She told me that God touched her heart and that she would LOVE to come back for the Sunday show if only her Mom would let her "not take care of the dogs at home". Her sweet Mom approached to see what we were talking about. I told her that I happened to have ONE ticket in my purse that I would LOVE to give her daughter if it was ok. I might as well of offered a winning lottery ticket. With tears in my eyes, I handed her my last ticket and told her to enjoy the show. She said she would put it in her backpack, and asked me the time and when she needed to be back at church. My choir friend thanked me and we went our separate ways. God knew EXACTLY why I needed to be there yesterday morning and it wasn't to be grumpy. It was to give away my last ticket to the performance. I was thrilled to see her after the performance and introduce her to my family. As I spoke with her and she explained to me some of her health issues, a little girl (about 3) with a cleft palette came and held my hand. I had never seen this precious girl in my life. What an amazing moment with God. He surrounded me with people who needed to be seen and heard…no stage…no fancy lights…no microphones…
Sometimes…it's the little things that make the biggest difference. If God puts someone in your path this season…don't stand there…do something! You see, it's not karma or fate or chance…its God giving you a gentle nudge and telling you "Action"!