OK…no one in Denver wants to talk about the possibility…but here goes… At some point in Tim Tebow's career with the Broncos…we WILL lose. Then what? I cannot speak for TT, but I can speak coming from a viewpoint I share with him. Does God win or lose football games? The answer is NO. God has obviously put TT in the position to speak on a national level for a reason and for a season, but if the Broncos lose on any given Sunday, it is NOT because TT did not say his morning prayers or forgot to thank Jesus for the win. I can guarantee that TT DOES thank God for the wins. He is probably thinks about what God wants him to do with all of the national press, interviews, and the spotlight. It was only about a month ago he wasn't even officially the starting QB. Tebow brings more than fast feet to the Broncos. He has an amazing attitude and it is infectious. I'm sure that no one on that team is offended by his religion because he truly "walks the walk". It is unfortunate and predictable how the press will handle an eventual loss. I can just hear it now..."Maybe Tebow isn't that close to the man upstairs after all"…and "Maybe he should pray about the game next week"… Just be ready for all kinds of backlash for Christians. If he is "thanking God" when he wins…what will he do when he loses?
Tim Tebow has so much to give as a role model for our kids; building a hospital in the Philippines, providing backpacks to local needy children, and playing football games. I just hope that people realize that God will take him as far as HE wants to…maybe to the Superbowl…maybe into the playoffs…maybe fully funding his new hospital. Nothing happens by chance. Let's face it, when we first moved to Colorado (in 1977) we used to stack orange crush cans into a pyramid on our console TV and watch the games! I love the Broncos! Remember Craig Morton?? Haha… I guess it won't hurt to pray for a WIN this weekend like I have the past several games…In the meantime, it is so uplifting to have something to get excited about, have fun with, and look forward to! Last weekend, when they won in overtime, I had to watch on my DVR as we had our concert starting at 6:00. It was hilarious to see the late-comers running into Cherry Hills in a sweat! God is using TT for something great…just be careful not to worship the wrong guy! (YES Kristin…he is Hot too!..haha)
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and may God truly bless you in 2012! (and GO BRONCOS! J)
Thanks for reading something about my corner of the world…