Let's face it, we all have friends who fall on different sides of this coin! I have 2 boys, one of which is in college, the other in high school. When T went off to college I had this nagging feeling in my stomach…should I be doing more? Making money? Going back to school? Teaching? It didn't take long for me to realize that I was right where I needed to be. My youngest (Buzz) is in his junior year, newly driving, and has no problem making his feelings known! "Mom…where ARE you?" he often calls at about 3:35 from home. God forbid I have been delayed at Target or the dry cleaner! He has even told me that he LIKES having me home, which is rare for a high school boy. There is something about knowing that your mom is "around". I enjoy being here for his friends, driving him to his activities, baking for the drumline kids, and volunteering at school. I guess, when it comes right down to it, THIS is my job. I figure that I made it this far…what's another 2 years? I have my days, trust me! By the time your kids are getting older, you are tapped out with the "room mom" deal! It is a gift to be able to go to lunch with friends, bake for a sick person in the choir, run to school to pick up a child who is ill… I remember one time when my oldest was in elementary school…The phone rang…it was the school…There was a PROBLEM! Uh Oh…automatic sick feeling!! They had an assembly and a child sitting in front of T. stood up, turned to run to the bathroom and threw up all over T. I guess he was a "good sport" but didn't really feel comfortable in the shirt they had provided him to change in to (a CSU shirt might I add…ugh!)…I ran to the school, picked up that poor boy, took him home for a shower, changed his clothes and thought to myself…THANK GOD I was home!
That said…There is something about getting a paycheck. After 21 years at home I occasionally help a caterer in my area. Over Christmas, I helped with a party for a local physician. I was the "bartender" (ok…you can laugh now!). HEY! I did pretty well. All of those "beer talks" with Dave came in handy. I actually know the difference between a "porter" and a "wheat" beer! It doesn't matter what shoes you wear, your feet are killing you by the end of the night and you feel somehow like you ran a marathon. I had logged over 13,000 steps that day on my Fit Bit, so I knew between "momming" and "working" I had walked 7 miles. God bless the wait-staff at restaurants!!
When I opened the mail after Christmas, there it was…in all of its glory (cue angels singing the Halleluiah chorus) a check for $114.00. I was smiling and thinking about how hard I worked for that money (which included a $40 tip)! Dave looked over my shoulder and said "What is that?"…Now…you have to know Dave. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Yet, with the innocence of a corporate guy, he said, "I think I may make that in an hour". REALLY?! I think he said it as if to say "You worked SO hard for that…and on a weekend when you were busy with other things!" Needless to say, I pocketed that baby with all of the pride I could and proceeded to the bank. It feels good to get out and contribute so I continue to "fill in" when I can.
SO many of my friends have to work to make ends meet and I know they would love to be there for those "special" times…hopefully not including vomit! Many have chosen to return to the work force and have done quite well. I hope they know they can count on me to do the "school run" for them! I don't mind be the "emergency contact"….in fact, it's kind of a blessing to be needed and wanted…and trusted. Someday in the near future I may have a paycheck of my own…or who knows? Maybe I can even go on a business trip with Dave. For now Buzz is my paycheck! Kids are a gift…your job is important!! If you have friends in the work force, support them…be there for their kids…What comes around, goes around!