As you all know, I have 2 boys (16 and 21) and have been through every possible fundraising scenario possible in those years. The latest seems to be cookie dough. A few months back I bought a tub from my cute godson, Ryan for his school, and so I wasn;t surprised today when the scene played out something like this:
Having just returned from 2 hours of errands, I approached the trunk to receive some more groceries (along with Lexie…who likes to "help" bring them in). I see the neighbor kids from across the street and the boy says, "Hi…do you want some cookie dough?"
The dog takes off across the street to welcome them to the neighborhood and they cross over with Lexie to talk. These are the cutest kids, which of course, never hurts the pitch!
CTM: Why are you selling the "dough"? Boy: For outdoor Ed CTM: How much is it? Boy: $13 depending on what you get CTM: How much does the school make? (knowing I didn't want the dough) Boy: without flinching says, "40%" CTM: OK…"Here is the deal…if you can tell me what 40% of $13 is, I will give you the money right now." Boy: Looks up with a scared look CTM: "ok…what is 50% or half of $13?" Boy: Computing in head.."$6.50" CTM: "AWESOME!" "Now let's take 10%..just move the decimal..remember?" Boy: "Oh ya..$1.30" CTM: GREAT! "Now multiply that by 4 for 40%" Boy: " It's $5.20" CTM: "EXCELLENT!! You just got yourself some money for outdoor ed"..
I walked in to write the check and thought .."Wow…someone is doing a good job at the local elementary!"…We all felt happy when they walked out the door holding their check for the school (rounded up a bit of course)…
Way to go parents and Stone Mountain Elementary!!
Remember, it is always good for kids to learn something when making money for any reason!!
Have a great Easter weekend…
CTM | |