Atheism is defined as "denial or disbelief of a supreme being or more simply, without religion".
That is why I thought it peculiar today when I came across a very small story in the Denver Post about Ft. Bragg hosting events for atheists. This apparently brought on by some soldiers after an Evangelical Christian event in 2010. I find it hard to believe that we need to have a "country fair" for atheists. I am "without red hair"…can I have a carnival?? When does this mentality end? Why does there seem to be so much anger? After-all, most cities support gay pride parades and activities and that is fine. However, I don't see Christians begging and picketing for heterosexual day and tax money to support it.
Some atheists say it this way:
"An intelligent person does not need the promise of heaven to see the merit of good deeds."
"Being alone doesn't mean being lonely."
"Reality is my religion."
…or as a non-atheist may say:
"The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically re-arranged itself for no reason what so ever into self replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs…Makes complete sense."
I can only speak for myself, a professing Christian, when I say that I do not hate atheists. I do not hate those who have a different religion. In fact, I have many friends with beliefs that are different from my own. I would not be a very good Christian if I did not STAND for what I believe in…I mean…what is the point of professing being a Christ follower and then not following the tenants of my religion? The bible says to pray for those who don't know Jesus. I pray for my friends, but not because I feel sorry for them, but because I want them to know the love of Jesus and the freedom I have in Christ. If you don't believe in religion, why would you be upset if someone is praying for you? Doesn't it seem that since, according to you, there is NO GOD, that it would make no difference? Does it hurt you? Do you know that I do it? How do you know?
As far as the "merit of good deeds"…I am sure there are countless people who do way more than I do for the community, in their jobs, and at home. As a Christian, I believe that we can never do enough and that is where Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross takes my place for our sin. I am not perfect, but one thing I have learned over the course of many years is this: It's all about LOVE.
Atheists: We don't hate you. We love you.
Christians: Cut the "holier than thou " talk with rote answers and just love other people.
One of my favorite bands is "Read you and me". Their name comes from a famous quote by DL Moody, "Where one man reads the bible, 100 will read you and me". This is such an important concept. Most atheists have never read the bible. How we act and what we say about our beliefs will be "read" by others.
For now, I have to remind myself that the government is usually the force behind the "political correctness" mentality. Let's just not take it too far… after-all, us "rich people" are paying the bill!
Have a great week! And I love you!!
Coffee Talk Mom