Maybe we're crazy and YES, I'm a book lover, but there is something about the "school's out!" burn at our house. It all started when my oldest was in middle school. We had a bonfire the night of the last day of school, and with one flip of the wrist, the tradition was born. Last night, we had about 12 kids come over for dinner and to brave the stormy weather to burn whatever gave them the most trouble throughout the year. I used to worry what the parents thought of us, but in about 7 years, I have gotten past that! It is hilarious to have what I would deem "smart kids" participate. One girl said before chucking a notebook in the fire, "Wait…these are my AP US history notes…look how neat they are? I could probably sell these…I better not burn them!"…Yes, burning with a conscience at our house. On the other hand, my son had books at the ready. I carefully leaned over and said…"don't burn those books, Buzz"….He continued on with his notes and index cards from AP English instead! If you can believe this, I have even done this event while Dave was travelling. Looking back, I must have been CrAZy! Put a lighter in front of (mostly) boys and it is better than Christmas. Believe it or not, I now officially have a senior! These are the moments I will miss the most when he goes off to college. Dave and I will have to burn college tuition bills we pay off in a couple of years…any of you interested?
As a side-note, as we drifted off into sleepy time last night, I woke coughing (smoke can do that) and although it was raining lightly, the Dave got out of bed to check "the pit"…I knew we were in trouble when he said, "I better go out there before the fire department arrives"… I bolted out of bed to see the fire pit billowing smoke like never before! It took Dave about 15 minutes with the hose to put that baby out! He came in soaked and tired and I gave him the bad news…"You can't get back in bed until you shower the smoke smell out"…Ahh…the things we do for our kids!
Happy first day of SUMMER!!
Coffee Talk Mom