OK Ladies…There is a "new kid on the block" in product/fashion magazines and it is called "New Beauty". This publication has all of the latest and greatest lotions, potions, and beauty treatments. I first saw it in a doctor's office but when I flipped over to the back I saw that is was a $10 magazine! YIKES! That seems a little steep for reading about how to put on eye makeup….forget about buying any of these products! Lucky for me, I was on their website and found a service where you get the best of both worlds. The new trend is all about "trying the products" and here is how it works:
It's called the: NEW BEAUTY TEST TUBE
Just like the magazine, 4 times a year you receive in the mail several full-sized products from the associated issue. Inside the box, there is also a copy of the $10 magazine. This is for $29.95 a tube. It is like getting a fun surprise 4 times a year and it beats throwing away flowers from King Soopers after 2 days!
The REAL story is that Dave saw me looking at the website and asked me what it was…as a surprise he had it sent to the house. It was like Christmas for women!! There were several products complete with full descriptions and reviews. I would never (on my own) go to Target and just try a bunch of new things. The best part is that they are valued at hundreds of dollars! Don't be distracted by their sizes…these are full size products!
I have attached the photo from my first PINK BEAUTY TEST TUBE so you can get an idea of what is in the shipment!
If you want to see what $10 a month can buy, go to www.testtube.newbeauty.com
May be a fun way to freshen up for fall!!
Coffee Talk Mom