Why do bad things happen to good people? SO many of us are left wondering today, only a couple of weeks before Christmas…how can this happen? How can a young man walk in to a school and shoot little children? Why does God let this happen? If He is all knowing and all powerful like most Christians believe, then why wouldn't he lock those school doors, or send angels to protect those teachers and kids? There are so many questions and so few answers. If you are a parent, hearing the news today I am sure sent a chill down your spine and tears to your eyes. Reminded of Columbine once again, I had to turn off the radio and give my heart a break while driving in the car. There is only so much we can take. There are no answers, but only knowledge that God IS in fact a good God and He loves each of those children and teachers. There is evil in this world and like it or not, the devil is alive and well and in the hearts of man. SO…what can we do? Hug our kids, pray for the families of those who lost children and parents today, pray for survivors…those little children who will never forget hiding in their classroom or huddling with their teachers in a closet. Pray that God will let peace into their hearts and heal that community. God Bless you all and stay safe.
Coffee Talk Mom