Today the Colorado legislature will approve a law granting in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. These kids will be able to attend any in state school at the lowest possible rate, allowing a continuing trend of the open-door policy with illegal immigrants in our communities. This is a long debate that has many angles. I have a friend who happens to be an illegal immigrant. Regardless, the system is broken and providing for immigrants when we cannot provide for Americans is wrong! You see, until you start writing checks for tuition and reading about over 8% increases for next year, you will never really understand. In our family, we happen to be tag teaming with tuition as one graduates as the other starts. Our goal as a couple was to do whatever we could to provide an education for our kids without huge bills at college graduation. It is a stretch and God bless all of you going through the same thing. How is it that our state can provide for these kids to have a more inexpensive education, while raising the rates for everyone else? WHERE is this money coming from?? Gosh, it sure makes the legislature look like a sweet, caring, and giving community, but guess what? That community of givers is YOU! I am not a brilliant scholar by any stretch of the imagination, but isn't this a kind of reverse discrimination? If you have a white, male, in- state student, you may as well take the loan out today…there are no in-state scholarships coming your way. Students are graduating universities with all time high debt. What is the point of sending our kids off from high school to college only to graduate with a degree and a student loan that could run a small country for months? I would warn those of you with younger children…SAVE…and research the schools…start at community college and transfer credits if you can and more importantly know where your money is going and why. In our case, our tuition will go up about $800 apparently to fund the illegal kids in our state. Remember, the problem with socialism is that eventually other people's money runs out.
Happy Monday, April 29, 2013
Coffee Talk Mom