Raise your hand if you have ever been in the room of second graders volunteering to run reading drills when the perfect black suited mom walks in to drop off store bought cookies and juice boxes? Good for her...she has a job and that is a very worthy contribution. We all have something to give and why not be rewarded. How many of us have elderly parents who have so much yet to give? Recently, my own Mom... (Coffee Talk Nanny) took a 13 year old Vietnamese girl under her wing to tutor reading and math. She had been struggling in school and her parents were concerned that they wouldn't be able to keep her at the Charter School locally. She has now had 3 hours a week of individualized tutoring, coffee and snacks and is ready to start a new year of school one step ahead: All for $0. It has given my Mom an amazing opportunity to take the gifts she has and really make a difference. The question is: Why don't we reward that in our society??
I have had some time to reflect on the past several years of cookie baking, church volunteering, room-momming, and so much more, I have a GREAT idea for the new tax code. Why not give a tax break to volunteers? We don't get paid, but universally are considered KEY to running a highly rated school, church, food pantry, and so much more. Why not honor and reward volunteers, the lifeblood of so many non profits? It wouldn't have to be debilitating to our economy, but more of a motivational tool for those of us with a few hours a week to give. As a former teacher, I cannot tell you how much I depended on volunteers. My senior in high school had a log to keep track of hours that had to be signed off by the organization and the school...not brain science...but something that makes so much sense. We can write lists of our Goodwill items (and believe me we have with the recent move!)...why not be able to track volunteer hours and record them in our tax documents for a simple $10/ hour deduction. As a volunteer, I do it for more than the big bucks, but it would be awesome to know I am contributing in some tangible way to the bottom line at home and the same goes for our parents and friends. What are your thoughts? Message me.