While I was growing up, my Dad had very few pet peeves. One of them was when I said things like, "I LOVE that sweater" or "those earrings" or "avocados". This would send Dad into a discussion on why I don't LOVE those things. They are things, not people, like HIM, for instance. I was allowed to love him, but not a sweater. I always laughed about it, but every time I say "I love..." I think about our talks.
This week, I have a proclamation to make: Dad I love this truck. Dear old "Ralphie" is turning 100,000 miles and I must say, I have grown quite attached to this Dodge Durango over the years. This SUV has been a part of our family since 2003. Heck, our boys were 9 and 14 when we got what we thought was the equivalent of hitting the big time ...a THIRD row seat! He has seen us through many a snow storm, taken us to the ER, family vacations, drum line competitions, soccer games, and so much more. "He" has protected 2 teenagers (one of who is still driving him) and stood up to the plate when CT kid's beloved Chevy truck was stolen in Vegas as if to say, "pick me, PICK ME!" Along the way he has been relegated to "junk" status after a hailstorm at DIA caused more damage than the car was worth. The quintessential "do not resuscitate" order was given, but onward he chugs. Needless to say, a month ago CT Dad came home and proudly proclaimed he had put new snow tires on Ralphie...to the tune of $1000...YES, more than the car is worth. Trying not to panic, I have noticed that Ralphie has a new lease on "life". I recently went back to dear old Ralphie during last week's snow storms because the alley behind the house creates large sink-hole-sized divots that would pop the tires of my car. I am proud to say, he has risen from the ashes. Like us, he takes a little longer to warm up, but once you get him going, it is "game on". As I pulled in to the driveway last night, I noticed that the odometer was about to turn...it made me think about how cars are a small part of your family history. I know what car we brought home each boy from the hospital in, which one backed my heart out of the driveway for college, and which one I waved goodbye to my traveling husband for the 100th time.
Have you ever had a car that just kicked butt and rarely had a problem? Are you ever tempted to "get a new car" even though your current car has never let you down? We did that ONCE and learned our lesson. A car is a thing...worth so much less the minute you drive it off the lot. Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it! What was YOUR favorite car? ...most likely the one you had to deal with the fewest problems or potentially one you felt safe on Colorado roads in. Maybe you have a "fun" car that you only take out of the garage on sunny days. Maybe you could care less what you drive, but at our house, new or old, our cars hold memories.
I think we will keep Ralphie as long as possible and someday I will miss this old boy. Happy Birthday, Ralphie. I love you!
P.S. Don't worry, Dad...
I love you MORE!!