Have you ever been sick and thought about what you are NOT getting done that day? Maybe you get frustrated and feel crummy and basically mad at the world. You don't have time to "be sick"... You have things to do! Ultimately, the things that are so important eventually get done, work survives, and you are given a gift; the gift of internal productivity. You life stops for a few hours as you rest...and think...and become more compassionate.
The East Coast has been hit by storm after storm and many moms are probably thinking, "Get me out of this house! I'll go grocery shopping and to the dry cleaners with gratitude!" Sometimes slowing down has to be done by a higher power. He who controls the weather! Today is one of those days in Colorado. Of all the blessings of living here, one is the ability to capture weekend snow days as a creative outlet... a time to let your mind wander and rest all at the same time. I typically open a book and dive in to another world. If not for the bad roads and threat of a big snow, I would most likely be taking to the mall, figuring out a hike or bike scenario, and planning a "honey do" list for CoffeeTalkDad. Sometimes slowing down helps us think through things without the distraction of lists and plans.
How about a day to regroup ...for you...and not for the greater good of everyone else...work, kids, friends, pressure to do this and be that... How about a "snow day" wherever you are? Pick up a sketchbook, or read something you have been meaning to read, make a new recipe...listen to beautiful music. It's time for some productivity from the inside out...
Someone once said, "Imagination needs...long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering" ...
Here's to some puttering this weekend!