On a recent trip to the mall, I happened across an elderly couple shopping. As I flipped through the racks, I couldn't help but listen in to their conversation. As the husband attempted to help his wife, pick something out I heard repeated responses like, " Do you REALLY think I would wear that?" , "You're ridiculous " , "You're an idiot"... I honestly couldn't believe my ears. I kept thinking that maybe there was something I wasn't understanding. I don't think so. I think that woman was just mean. In as much as I would want to give her the benefit of the doubt, her negativity just seemed to pound her husband slowly into the ground. As she continually struck, he retreated.
Listening to the exchange (trust me...I didn't have to lean in to hear it), I wondered if I would want a replay on some of the conversations I have been a part of in my life...chances are I have been mean too: mean to my kids, my husband, my friends. Why is it that our sense of self worth sometimes rears its head by cuttings others down? If you didn't realize there was a recording of your conversation, would you want it on playback for others to hear? Does our tone of voice determine our intention? At time of anger and frustration, our nature takes over and leaves hurt feelings and little holes in the hearts of the people we love the most. Forgiveness requires me to flip the hammer and gently try to remove the nail...applying the patch of apology and giving it time to dry.
The mall incident made me think about how I sound to others: bossy? know-it-all? sarcastic? It's all part of this process of being the best possible tool in the shed...I think I'll be avoiding the "hammer-time" from now on.
Food for thought,