Recently, I was drawn to a book that promised a "simplifying of my soul" during the Lent season. It was all fine and good (I'll get back to that) until today when I was faced with the task of : "Sit silently for 15 minutes".
The book is by Paula Huston and describes daily meditations and practices for the Lent season. "Simplifying the Soul" has helped me to focus on what I have and not what I don't have. I took great pride (I don't think that was the point) to follow through with the daily practices which included cleaning out a junk drawer...check...making a meal from forgotten items in your fridge and pantry...check...wearing my oldest clothes and no makeup for a day...check. All of these things help us focus on what is important and not be distracted by worldly busyness. Overall, it has been great for me to take these tasks and see what the day brings in response.
The day I made dinner from "found" items in my pantry, I realized I had "plenty" of food and even found some things I forgot I put in there. Sometimes we mindlessly add to our cupboards and it was good for me to realize that making dinner did not require spending a bunch of money at the grocery store. I also thought about how my needs are constantly being met, but I don't stop to appreciate that. My purchasing habits do not point to my security in a provider, but instead a "the sky is falling" mentality.
Today is tough. My mission (if I chose to accept it) is to spend 15 minutes in silence. I guess I am a person that equates the sounds of life to happiness. I love music, and when I am busy in the kitchen cooking, I have the constant reminder of news, home and cooking shows on my little TV. I know it sounds lame, but being completely still and quiet for 15 minutes is tough for me. I may fall asleep, or start a list, or shoot up some requests to the big guy. It is next to impossible to quiet my mind and just BE. I am a talker, a connector, a communicator...but somehow I feel the great need to just BE QUIET. I laughed hysterically at a friend who recently told me that she ordered some business cards. They say simply, "Stop Talking". Now, I am wondering if she may need to hand me one!
Take today to think about how YOU can simply BE. 15 minutes of silence...just like the monks of ancient Christianity, expect the results of silence to be compassion, patience, gentleness and being more loving. Who doesn't need that?
Happy Monday to YOU...SHHHhhhhh!