Surprise: I’m not a perfect mom. I have made mistakes and I have taken the easy road more times than I could count. As a parent, I thank God that cell phones had not become smart phones, there were only 2 options for bathrooms, and “Netflix Marathons” were a thing of the future. You see, I was always taught that “to much is given, much is expected “ and parents...there are so many rabbit holes our kids can go down and get trapped in.
Let me start by saying...I am truly grateful for my boys. They have taught me so much about life and sacrifice and service. They have loved me when I was at my best, and when I was completely defeated and exhausted. Have you ever had a child come over to you, grab your hand and say, “I love you, Mommy”? They just always knew when I needed a jolt of praise, or love... My dearest wise...
This is something that has been running through my head for the past couple of weeks. Given the current political climate, it is important to remember that it is okay for boys to be boys. This is not to say that disrespecting women is okay. This is to say that being rambunctious is normal. Boys having energy during class is normal. Boys looking at girls is normal. College parties are normal. Getting dirty working on cars and loving it...yep...normal. Over-cooking a couple of steaks and calling it gourmet because it is served with a beer...normal. It’s okay to be a boy and more importantly’s okay to be a man.
Here are some important rules that have and should never change. Learn manners ...teach your boys good manners. Open doors. Don’t degrade women with random comments. Don’t dismiss women in conversation or in the board room. If you’re lucky enough to find the perfect spouse (Coffeetalkson!!), encourage her regardless of if she is working or wants to raise your kids (Coffeetalkdad). Step up, don’t look away and pretend you didn’t see or hear something inappropriate . Provide. Protect. Love well.
FEAR: that is the emotion of most moms with boys today. What if a young girl says something happened that never happened? Is it her word against his: you bet. What if something happens at a party that is video-taped. Will it be all over the internet? YES. What if something slips from the lips during a work break that is deemed sexist. Can you be fired ? Yes. Are these rules held up to women in the same way? Most likely not. We can whine and complain and worry and disregard, but it is more important to teach our boys to BE WISE. Take yourself out of situations where the hair stands up on the back of your neck. You know ... you have been there...listen to the still small voice in your head and act appropriately . Hold your reputation in the highest regard. Hold women in the highest regard. You will be okay.
My Sons...Be wise...
I love you,
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