I’m trying to be positive, but some weeks are just hard. This week is one of those. The stock market, doom and gloom over the virus, and a bevy of personal dumpster fires to deal with. Overall...we are blessed. I am a notorious worrier, but I am finding time to mess with long overdue projects around the house, bake and read thru some recipes (I have been more lazy in my empty nest), and what do you know...the laundry is done and I actually ironed a few things! When I am tempted to jump into the car to get away I am thinking though what I actually NEED to do, shop for, spend money on...The best thing has been that I am not tempted to go to the gym. Even in a healthy climate, I always think about how many people use those mats before they get thoroughly cleaned...I have loved being outside and in the fresh air for hikes and walks and runs...I am using my basement “gym”...what? You didn’t know I had that? Neither did I. In all seriousness, what I really miss is interaction with people.
This morning I opened my computer and was greeted with my daily emails. This particular one struck me from #themorningbrew:
"Every hand that we don't shake must become a phone call that we place."
"Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern."
"Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise."
Reach out to an old friend today...write a card...breathe some fresh, non-office air...
Be Well,