I have dreamed about you and now you are here. When I see your smilies, I absolutely melt back into a time when I held your daddy in my arms. Those early days were not always easy, sometimes lonely, but I was never alone. I had your daddy and your Beau. Sometimes the mundane of diaper changing and feeding is what I look back to as the most precious times. You see, your mommies are tired, and busy and wanting to feel settled. When you have babies, there is no feeling settled until those minutes when you are falling asleep in their arms. There is a kind of peace they have that you made it through another day; healthy, happy, and in one piece. Give your moms lots of love and attention…they like that. As you grow and become more independent, there will be cameras flashing, laughter and J O Y. Walking and talking during year #2 brings a whole new world to you (and Mom and Dad)…No more plopping onto a blanket with toys as you will want to explore the world. Remember to stay curious, keep learning, say you’re sorry, and say your prayers before you eat and sleep, knowing you are loved by God (and your Mimi)!
Happy 1 Year Auggie and Summy